Friday 16 October 2009

Message in a bottle

I wrote this on a piece of paper. I rolled it, put it inside a glass bottle and shoved a cork into its mouth. I thought of sending it to you. Here goes.

"Hey there. How have you been? I'm sorry its been a while. if you noticed. I hope you're fine. I miss you So how's life? I'm doing fine. I'm doing great! Life's a bitch sometimes but we all gotta keep holding on hey? Hope you're doing great too. So if you're free, call me if you need me if you found anything worthy of telling me if you think I'm worthy of speaking to if you miss me if you still remember me, hehe take care.Love you Yours truly Sincerely, me."

You never got the letter.

It's either I sound incredibly pathetic or impossibly stupid. So, I smashed the bottle on a rock. I took the letter out and turned it to ashes.

Before the fire, I mourn the death of hopes for there to be, a you and me.

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