At my most vulnerable state
You see me and jeer
speaking words that damage me further
bent, broken, crushed
and my dust particles will never form me ever.
Or at my most vulnerable state
you see me and have not a care
walk past and blow me away
wobbling, crippling, crumbling
and I drop; smashed.
Saying that you care
saying that you will be there
all under pretence
have I no need of such things
stop acting we are in no play.
Distinguishing you and the rest of the world
was easy
for I thought your heart and my heart
combined and the same
beating in unison
little did I know
under different frequencies.
My hopes were up high
for you to be there
to pick me up
piece me back
and polish me
only disappointment greets me.
The turning of the clock's hands
millions of times
meant not one thing to you
I now see
and I treasured them dearly
fool of a me.
Took me for granted
and not a word I say
possibly me, the root of this twisted misery?
not a word I say
but now I have to say
thank you for breaking me apart
I am damaged
beyond repair.
Your greatest piece of art.

1319hours (19/09/09)
Notes : .
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