Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Honey bee

Blooming in the fields
kissed by the Sun
hugged by the wind
showered with rain;
a flower.

and eyes admire
though to pluck and love
none has ever

"My thorns are here to protect me,
for my beauty attracts aplenty
but thy love I crave,
I shan't hurt thee, I swear"

A flower admired by many
ever so lonely
Until comes a bee
looking for a honey

"Oh honey bee,
Stay with me."

Lonely no more
the flower loves the bee
But bees do not linger
on one flower
the rule of Nature

A rebel of a bee
"I defy Nature.
But flower, you are not for me
or I, not for thee.
My flower awaits me
so I shall take my leave."
confessed the bee as the flower
wishes to remember.

The flower watches the bee
leaves her self-flower
with no buzz or goodbyes
for another flower
and then returns home,
for his very own.

I am not your flower
dear sweet bee,
but pray, do not forget about me.

0012 hours 13/03/2013
The Wait

In life,
there has always been,
one true desire of mine,
to love.

Beaten like a rug,
stepped on like grapes,
I have been pained
for love.

The rug shall be clean.
Grapes turn to wine.
good things shall come;
hard and slow.

In the dark I shall lie
awaiting dawn.

1820 hours